International Links


We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with the US-based training provider,

Major Development Soccer Academy (MDS).

Situated in New Jersey, a football hotbed in the USA, MDS boasts connections with some of the best-run clubs in the state. This collaboration opens doors for Cherrybrook players to experience football in the USA. MDS will host showcase events for players aspiring to play college football, offering a comprehensive College 360 program to guide them through the entire process and connect with college coaches.

This partnership extends opportunities to coaches as well, providing them with a chance of a lifetime to coach in the USA.

Cherrybrook FC chair Mike Cotter expresses pride in broadening global reach through this ongoing relationship with MDS. MDS, known for their go-getting spirit, aligns seamlessly with Cherrybrook’s ambitions to provide the best in player development, matchday experiences, and rewarding opportunities for both players and coaches.

MDS Chief Operating Officer Ben Manning shares his delight in forming this partnership with Cherrybrook FC, reminiscing about his fondest memories as a player going abroad to play football and learn from different cultures. He eagerly anticipates Cherrybrook’s players creating similar memorable experiences.

Cherrybrook is thrilled to announce a partnership with Away Goal Tours, an organization that brings teams from various countries to our facility to play against Cherrybrook teams. This partnership presents an incredible opportunity for our players to compete with teams from different countries and cultures, offering them a unique chance to see how they stack up against international competition.

With this new partnership with Away Goal Tours, we are excited to welcome teams from across the globe to our home. We've previously hosted teams from Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York in the USA, as well as from Barcelona, Ireland, and the Isle of Man. These visits have always been enriching experiences for our players, providing them with valuable insights into different playing styles and cultures.

We look forward to continuing this tradition and providing our players with even more opportunities to grow and excel. Stay tuned for more updates on upcoming matches and events with our international guests!